
Posts tagged with rizaldy

  1. Choices

    2019-12-30 03:40:10 UTC

    Not too long ago, a friend of mine showed me this app he had just downloaded and was excited about using. It was a choice-making application on his phone that was built to take stress off of an individual in making decisions throughout the day. I only saw him use…

  2. Mistakes are Yours to Keep

    2019-12-17 02:29:20 UTC

    We all dread making mistakes for one reason or another, and while stressing over mistakes while working on your passions may seem logical, it may not prove to be beneficial. Mistakes can be frustrating because they can cost us things like money, time, and energy that we weren’t planning on…

  3. Forget Inspiration

    2019-12-13 22:33:35 UTC

    What does it mean to be inspired? Does it describe being motivated to do something? Particularly something creative? The word “inspiration” seems to annoy me these days, maybe because it scourges social media with it’s presence, or maybe because I feel like it’s commonly misused. It’s also possible that I…

  4. Art vs Craft

    2019-12-12 06:20:00 UTC

    I’ve spent most of my years, so far, focusing on expression and not so much on craft. I think it’s because I personally see more value when creatives make things based on their feelings, rather than making something because they can do it to high quality standards. That isn’t to…